Friday, November 28, 2008

For Myself, and For the Fans

“I'm tired of reading about geese,” my sister-in-law said at Thanksgiving. That’s not the first time I’ve heard that sentiment this month.

It’s been 3 weeks since my last blog entry - a short, quick blurb I wrote, after minimal postings in October. I love to write and I really enjoy blogging, but my life has been getting in the way. Nothing glamorous I’m afraid. No jetting off to Paris, like my mother. No long weekend hitting the tables in Vegas. No lucrative business contract, filling my days and nights. Just life – kids, cars, pets, school, church, house . . . .

I’ve got to keep up the writing, not just for me, but apparently also for the fans. So, I’m making my New Year’s Resolution a month early. I’m getting my priorities in order. My commitment: to write at least one blog a week. I wanted to shoot for 2, but I need to be realistic. It’s the Christmas holiday season, after all. I may have a few other things on my plate.

I start my new charge today. The unraked leaves can wait. The dirty laundry is not going anywhere. Those dishes in the sink, well they've been sitting for a while. What's a little while longer? First, I blog. For myself, and for the fans.

Keep checking back. Don’t hesitate to send me a little nudge every now and again, like my sister-in-law. Everyone can use help sticking to their New Year’s Resolutions.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Let the Geese Speak

Some people count sheep to fall asleep. Some walk their dog for daily exercise. Others gaze at fish circling in an aquarium to relieve stress. Animals serve as helpmates and friends in many ways.

I write to the melodic sounds of honking geese. I kid you not. Somewhere in my suburban Towson neighborhood lives a gaggle of geese. I’m not sure exactly where they live or when they came, but I first heard the commotion about 3 months ago. The geese don't host loud honking parties every day. But when they gather, their din is comparable to a room full of teenage girls. Slightly distracting, but oddly comforting, in their familiar animated manner. My new neighbors provide a welcome distraction.

Do you have the scoop on these odd Towson pets? I’d love to hear. Their unusual choice of a home must have a story. One day, I may head out back and track down the location of such clamor. Dig at the truth for myself. For now, I simply write and enjoy the lively company they provide.