Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Summer Dust and Inspiration

“Did you abandon your blog?” Stu e-mailed, “I was a fan.”
No. Life just got in the way for a while.

In my defense, I did spend the summer writing: a bi-monthly e-newsletter APPS & REAC News and Notes, a new company brochure and 2 web articles. I know, boring industry stuff. You want to read the light-hearted Take It From Denise entertainment. I do too.

I really do love to write. I am one of those crazy people you see writing notes when they are driving. But only at red lights. I promise. I keep paper and pen stashed everywhere – in the car, in my purse, in my gym bag. The gym bag is a little dusty right now, I’ll admit. I’m going to dust that off, right after I dust off this blog.

They say writers need inspiration, but I will tell you, I am easily amused. I find inspiration for writing topics everywhere. You need only read my blog to find that out. For me, as a writer, I like to know someone is enjoying themselves reading.

Thanks Stu. I am back to blogging.