Saturday, February 20, 2010

Economic Stimulus – Courtesy of Mother Nature

A recent Government Report out of Washington DC claims job market improvement may be slowing. Look out your window gentlemen. New jobs abound in the snow-ravaged mid-Atlantic!

Folks are still digging out from the storm of the century. Millions are being spent on snow removal. Anyone with a plow hitch, a back hoe or a shovel has new income opportunities.

BGE employees, past and present, are gainfully employed. Auto body shops are at full capacity. Bread, milk and toilet paper sales realized a significant jump (at least in snow-phobic Baltimore) as did salt, sand and cat litter.

As the great meltdown occurs, new job prospects arise. Plumbers, roofers and maintenance repair folks of all variety are hard at work on falling gutters, leaking roofs and flooded basements.

New employment opportunities will continue with pot hole repairs, sidewalk re-pointing and road resurfacing. Even arborists will have a full Spring calendar, trimming damaged trees and vegetation encroaching power lines.

As we brace for yet another run of the white stuff, don’t grumble. Remember, Mother Nature’s got her own economic stimulus plan.
It’s working its magic right here in Maryland.