Sunday, May 2, 2010

Eat, Pray, Work

A conference call with a new client last month began “We are a faith-based organization and we pray before all meetings. You can join us if you like.” Some might find this odd. I found it oddly comforting.

I have many non-profit clients. Translation, religious groups. Jewish, Catholic, Presbyterian, they run the gamut. No one has ever asked me to pray with them before. Given the nature of our economy, prayer in business meetings may not be such a bad idea.

I thank God every day I have a job, many don’t. I think that counts as prayer at work. My work is related to government funding approvals. I hope I’m not violating the separation of church and state.

Eat, Pray, Work - sounds like the next hot book title. One woman's search for balance as she plods through everyday life . . . .