Monday, September 13, 2010

Friends and Elections

One never knows how many friends one has until there’s a job to be done. Moving, celebrating or consoling, out of the woodwork they appear.

With many seats up for grabs this election, the Primary race in my county has been contentious. I’ve lost count of the negative TV ads.
I could paper my kitchen walls with the flyers I’ve received. Candidates stop by unexpectedly, leaving personal notes, just like an old friend, “Denise, Sorry I missed you. –Mike” I’m considering delivering my own little notes, “Mike, Looking forward to seeing you this Saturday at the painting party at my house. Your friend Denise"

So many “new friends” are calling the house with reminders “Vote for me in the Primary on Tuesday!” that I’ve stopped answering the phone. This quote caught my eye today: “A friend is someone who is there for you, when he’d rather be somewhere else.” I have a lot of friends looking for me today and I would rather be somewhere else.

When the polls close tomorrow, these "friends" will fade back into the woodwork - until there is a another job to be done.