Monday, May 5, 2008

A Warm Spring Day

My bloodshot eyes reveal a lack of sleep but my face does not divulge my body's aching muscles. A busy week of family, church and professional obligations leaves me spent, yet energized. Remnants of the week lie scattered about the living room. A display of engagement photos by the tv, pieces of invitations stacked on the coffee table and centerpieces-in-progress on the window sill share the joys and work of wedding preparation. A brief case fallen on the floor spills forth notes and handouts from the weekend's writers conference. A reminder my son taped on the wall simply states "to do: WRITE BOOK!!" Sneakers, sandals, a sock, the Sunday paper and a leash for the puppy liter the ground by the front door. Photos of a cowboy boot, the Texas Tech logo and a yellow rose await a meeting with a cake decorator for a special event. A doggered page of phone numbers and scribbled notes offer history on the search for sponsors for new members at church. The dining room table, cluttered with recessed lights, cabinet handles and outlet covers, is a subtle reminder of the kitchen renovation that is not quite complete.

And dust - there is a lot of dust I'm sure, but I just don't see it. Dust is the last thing on my mind. All I see is outreach to strangers, eagerly anticipated events and new business opportunities. I see family and friends, and love in the air. On this chilly spring morning, my heart is warm.

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