Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kneeling at the Feet of Susan Reimer

In an e-mail yesterday, a friend wrote – “after reading your blog, I think you should replace Susan Reimer in The Sun Paper. You could give her a run for her money!”

Can I just say – That’s my dream job!

Susan Reimer has been writing a humorous family life / baby boomer column in The Baltimore Sun for as long as I can remember. If you’re not familiar with her work – check it out:,0,7281984.columnist . She’s a hoot.

Now, I’m sure Susan works her baby boomer butt off, but I’d give anything to have her job! I know - I have not put in my time at crappy writing jobs. I have not worked my way through the muck, mire and egos of a newspaper. But, hey, there’s great value in a fresh voice who comes to the table without all that baggage. No preconceived notions. No unrealistic expectations. Simply the eager, young face (OK – not so young really) with a new perspective.

If you know anyone, who knows anyone, who knows Susan Reimer
(or her boss), can you give me a holler? I’d be happy to ghost write for her while she’s on vacation. I’d be happy to fill her column if she wanted to take a mental health day. I’d kneel at her feet and take her crumbs any day. And boy – if you get wind she’s retiring any time in the next decade, please, do share!

Because, really - that’s my dream job!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A bumper sticker I read today said, "If you do your best, God will do the rest." Believe.