Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year Michael & Karen

I received a Holiday Greeting card from my newspaper delivery folks. Those of you following the saga of the never-ending-newspapers, (see Blog from October, 2008) will enjoy this note I sent back.

Dear Michael & Karen,

Thank you for your lovely holiday card. Your timely greeting arrived at my doorstep along with the newspaper you so thoughtfully continue to deliver, despite the fact that I ceased paying for delivery back in August.

I’m sure you have seen the signs of neglect in our relationship as, day after day, newspapers pile up on my front lawn. I’m sure you have received the calls from your employer, advising you to cease and desist. Please, do not take it personally, but I would really like to end our relationship.

I urge you to start the new year out on the right foot. Make a resolution to stop delivering the newspaper to my home.

I understand how difficult it can be to break ties, especially when one has had a long and satisfying relationship. Five years is indeed a long time. Perhaps, I am simply a habit you cannot manage to break. Perhaps, it is the letting go that you cannot accept.

Quitting quit cold-turkey is always the best way to go. Lingering in a languished relationship is never a wise move. If you just can’t bear to part ways, we can compromise. You are welcome to continue to send your annual holiday card, as I always appreciate the kind sentiment. But please, stop delivering the newspaper.

Happy New Year Michael & Karen
I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.