Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Watching Falling Apples

“God wants us to have fun in church,” my teen whispered to me as she played tic-tac-toe with her sister during the sermon one Sunday. The stern look instantly melted off my face. I got an A in Debate in college, but I had no come back for this one.

It’s an acceptable practice to knit, crochet or needlepoint during a conversation. No one questions the ability of the knitter to multi-task. They can count rows, switch stitches and thoughtfully concentrate on the stories and conversations around them.
I find no problem with tic-tac-toe in church.

We live in a multi-tasking society. I often dream of a day when I can turn off that switch and return to the carefree single-focused days of my youth. I thought perhaps that was called “retirement,” but to hear my Mom tell it, she’s as busy as ever.

Mother, daughter, granddaughter. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is Columbus Day. A day set aside to honor the founding of
our country. One problem. Christopher Columbus did not discover America. There were already folks living here when he landed.
And I hear he was not terribly nice to them either.

If your definition of Holiday is “day off work,” then I suppose Columbus Day is a holiday, for some.

We have many odd holidays and traditions. I often wonder why we celebrate Birthday’s. Shouldn’t the true celebration of the anniversary of a birth focus on the poor woman who carried the child for 9 months, labored in the delivery room for hours and then couldn’t sit for a week?

I view many of our traditional holidays as simply time to reflect and give thanks for life, liberty and our many good fortunes. I know – that’s Thanksgiving.