Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My New Best Friend

I have a new best friend. His name is Chris. He is in my kitchen right now, hanging cabinet trim as I type. Chris is my new best friend. Why? Because he actually shows up when you need him. Isn't that the hallmark of any true friend? OK, I pay him for his work, but don't we repay all our friends in some way?!

Before Chris, my best friend was Bryan. He was here everyday for weeks working on my kitchen renovation. I likde Bryan. He was quiet and polite. His talents were many - dry wall, electric, carpentry and plumbing. He owned every tool imaginable and he brought nice guys with him on occassion to help out. He charged a fair price. He did great work. But then, he stopped showing up. And he stopped answering his cell phone.

It's been 4 weeks today since I've seen Bryan. I've given up leaving messages on his cell phone. Last I heard, he was taking a trip to California. I didn't read of any planes crashing so I can only assume he landed safely. My brother thinks he's probably in jail, but I prefer to imagine him surfing the waves on the west coast. Some of his tools are still here. I put them out back and covered them with a tarp. Perhaps some day he'll come back and get them.

I told Chris this morning I was so happy to see him. I tell him that every morning. Truth is, I'll be even happier when I don't see him anymore. That will mean the renovation work on my kitchen is done. My relationship with Chris is short term. Perhaps he will become one of those dear friends you touch base with on rare occassions but alway remember fondly. I hope so.

1 comment:

Jady Fisher said...

Very amusing! Denise, you "hit the nail on the head".