Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Keep on Blogging & Keep on Dreaming

I really have no idea who reads my blog, or if anyone reads my blog. There’s probably a way to adjust the settings, to count hits to the site, but being somewhat computer-challenged, I simply don’t know how.

My computer has been responding slower than usual lately (which is a bit frustrating as we have all come to expect instant information at our fingertips). I mentioned to someone that I had downloaded pictures lately and a few large project presentations. Perhaps my memory is getting full and slowing down my computer, I said. OK – this is the part, where all the computer geeks are laughing and shaking their heads in dismay. And the part, where all the computer-challenged folks are not in on the joke. Apparently computer memory has nothing to do with speed – who knew!

My son TJ or my future brother-in-law Scott could probably tell me how to adjust the settings to find out the traffic to my site. They consider “Computers Today” light leisure reading. Part of me really does'nt want to know. How depressing would it be if I found out one person a week (probably my Mother) read my blog. Sometimes in life I think we are better off in denial.

So I’m going to keep on blogging and keep on dreaming and keep on being computer-challenged. What about you?


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