Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Breaking the Rules

Most Christian’s know, today is Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. Growing up a good Catholic, the mandate each year was to choose something to “give up” for Lent. Lent being a time of reflection on the suffering of our forefathers in faith, what better way to empathize with their suffering, than to give up cookies for 40 days.

As a child, I suffered through Lent each year, skipping dessert or giving up candy or soda (as if soda were actually a staple of everyday life in the household of my youth). One year I tried to give up oatmeal. I said the poor kids in India really needed the nutrients more than I. As you might imagine, this did not pass muster with my parents.

I’ve long replaced giving up something for Lent with “doing something extra” during Lent. I believe one can meaningfully reflect on suffering by helping others. Perhaps I am breaking the rules of my religious upbringing, but I’m also a Lutheran now, not a Catholic.

Catholic, Jew or Atheist, it is a good idea, this doing something extra in life. Call it a Springtime resolution. Add one selfless act to your day, or your week, or your month. Drop some food at the local shelter, pass on the resume of an unemployed neighbor or friend to someone who may be hiring, send money to a needy organization or volunteer your time.

Find something extra you can do and give it a try this Lent. It’s much more rewarding than giving up cookies. Trust me, I know.

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