Saturday, February 14, 2009

Please, Thank You & I'm Sorry

“Love means never having to say you are sorry.” Who coined that phrase? Must have been a man. Probably one who believes flowers, chocolates or jewelry are unnecessary gifts after the exchange of wedding vows.

“Don’t sweat the small stuff,” on the other hand, was probably conceived by a woman. I imagine a multi-tasking Mommy dreamed that up, to free herself from the guilt of failing to be perfect.

Don’t get me wrong – I believe both of these sentiments have their place, figuratively, but not literally. We are all imperfect people in an imperfect world. Accept this fate. Give yourself permission to forget, to over commit, to make mistakes. Breathe a sign of relief. Then, remember, life is indeed about the small stuff.

How nice would it be if someone else in the house emptied the dishwasher? If a neighbor tossed your newspaper the extra few yards onto your porch one cold, rainy morning? If a stranger stopped to help you change a flat tire? How much happier you would be if someone simply remembered to take out the trash, without being reminded?

Life would be sweeter. A smile would play across your lips. Now, imagine a “please” or “thank you” added in, an “I’m sorry” from your partner for an unanticipated slight.

Everyday, mundane things make up the bulk of our existence. Pay attention to them. Today, tomorrow and the next day. See how it feels. See what it changes.

Remember, Love means saying you are sorry even when you are not expected to.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More directly, as a man (a man in a wonderful relationship - I clarify), Sometimes ... just sometimes ... Love means having to say you are sorry even when you have no idea what it was you did.

Okay, taking the tongue out of my cheek, sometimes the real "why" is because you love the person so much and you know that it will make her feel good just hearing "I'm sorry". It's still a heartfelt "sorry" simply because you know that the other half of your heart needs to hear it.

In conclusion, I'm sorry.