Monday, March 30, 2009

Warning Signs a Danger

People manage to read road signs every day without slowing down
the car. Driving requires we multi-task. We speed-read every time we are behind the wheel. What is it about those yellow flashing overhead warning signs on the highway that cause drivers to slam on the breaks to read: “Right Lane closed ahead 1 mile”

I don’t really see the need for many of these warnings. Traveling
60 miles per hour, in the left lane, I am not going to choose a different route in the next mile. Is the purpose to alert folks of
the lane closure, so they can merge over early to prepare?
That never happens.

Instead, drivers hit the breaks, to get a good read. Causing sudden pace-changes on otherwise clear roads, these warning signs are a danger. Rubber-necking, slowed progress, back ups and occasional fender-benders result.

It’s a yellow blinking sign, it must be important.

Occassionally, the Dept of Transportation tries to use these signs
to serve a a greater public purpose. My personal favorite is:
“Don’t Drink and Drive.” What am I supposed to do with this information? “Honey, pull over – I just remembered, you’re not supposed to drink and drive.”

Can I ask drivers a favor? If the warning reads “Amber Alert,” by all means, slow down to get a good long read. Otherwise, keep moving please.

1 comment:

Doufg said...

The Worst signs are the Big Black ones that can change at the whim of the MTA. Usually they warn of "Suspicious behavior" or "Amber Alert", but the WORST is when they warn us "Accident 10 miles ahead. Prepare to slow down." This ALWAYs slows traffic Right at the sign for the next 10 miles. The Stopping of the traffic inveriably actually Causes and accident of two along the asy and by the time you get the the accident scene, it is is as if there never WAS an accident! This is just like on the Web when a rumour goes Viral. Warning us in a sign of an accident only serves as a self fulfilling profecy, a sign-induced traffic jam.