Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Watching Falling Apples

“God wants us to have fun in church,” my teen whispered to me as she played tic-tac-toe with her sister during the sermon one Sunday. The stern look instantly melted off my face. I got an A in Debate in college, but I had no come back for this one.

It’s an acceptable practice to knit, crochet or needlepoint during a conversation. No one questions the ability of the knitter to multi-task. They can count rows, switch stitches and thoughtfully concentrate on the stories and conversations around them.
I find no problem with tic-tac-toe in church.

We live in a multi-tasking society. I often dream of a day when I can turn off that switch and return to the carefree single-focused days of my youth. I thought perhaps that was called “retirement,” but to hear my Mom tell it, she’s as busy as ever.

Mother, daughter, granddaughter. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep me out of it! Ha! Ha!