Friday, June 20, 2008

A Newfound Love of Wheelchair Ramps

Have you noticed how many able-bodied people park in handicapped spaces? Do you truly appreciate the automatic doors at the grocery store? Have you ever cared about the angle of the slope on a wheelchair ramp? (I mean really cared.) I now care – I mean, I really care. Yesterday, I broke my toe. I won’t go into how exactly – except to simply say I had a disagreement with a bookshelf over who had the right-of -way. Does anyone ever break a toe doing something valiant or daring?

I have now joined an elite group of human beings – those crutch-dependent individuals braving the world on one leg and 2 sticks. (Now there’s the valiant and daring part!) I’m getting pretty good negotiating life with my new appendages, but to say I am proficient in the use of crutches is probably an oxymoron. Does anyone ever really get use to these things?

To kill time (since I’d really rather not be seen in public in this fetching blue boot) - I’d love to know how many people have actually broken a leg trying to use crutches on a set of stairs. There must be some good “I broke my _______, while trying to use crutches” stories out there. I’d love to hear from you. Please share.

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