Friday, June 6, 2008

Put your mood ring away - Sudoku is here!

Did you know The Baltimore Examiner prints a Sudoku every day, next to the crossword puzzle? Did you know you can go to the “archives” at and find years worth of random puzzles? Did you know you there’s a Sudoku puzzle in the seat pocket in front of you on the airplane? It’s right there next to the little air sick baggie in the Fly Southwest Magazine.

OK – I admit, I am addicted to Sudoku. But it’s more than just a numbers game, it can predict the future. Sort of like wearing a mood ring or reading the horoscope. I know I’m scaring you – let me explain.

I do Sudoku every day. I’m pretty darn good at it too. When I hit a day that I can’t master the puzzle, I know I’m in for trouble. I'm just not on my game. It’s like a weather vane – it tells me which way the wind is blowing. You know how Granny can predict a rain shower when the sun is shining? – “I can feel it in my bones,” she says. Same concept. Granny and I are both always dead on!

So, no need for horoscopes, mood rings or Miss Lynn the palm reader up on York Road. I can just open the paper or click on and know my future.

Pretty cool, huh?!

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